Jeaneth’s Story


Hello! My name is Jeaneth Samora and I am twenty-one years old.  I have two older sisters and one younger sister. My parents separated when I was a little girl.  One of my older sisters and my younger sister went to live with my mom, leaving my other sister and me to live with my dad.  I grew up living only with my dad and one of my three sisters. Since I was little, I always wanted to have a mother, but I never had the opportunity.

 I was rejected by many of my classmates when I was very small, because I did not live with my mother.   Some of my classmates humiliated me. I attended school up to sixth grade, but with great difficulties. I wanted to continue my studies, but my father did not have the necessary resources to help me.  I started taking care of children, so I could help my father economically, since sometimes he got sick. My dad’s job was that of a farmer. We picked corn and then we went out to sell the corn that we harvested.  The companies would not hire my dad because of his older age. The place where we lived was very dangerous. Many times people went into the house and stole everything we had and we worked very hard for our belongings.   

My father gave us a good upbringing.  He guided us on the good path teaching us that we should serve God.  When I was little I hated my mother, but my father always said you have to love your mother since she brought you into this world. He always took us to visit her.

At age 14 I gave my life to Jesus.  At that moment I understood the difference between right and wrong, and I decided to forgive my mother.  I asked her forgiveness and now we have a good relationship.

At age 17 my house was robbed for the last time, while I lived there.  The robbers abused, and threaten to kill me, but God had mercy on me and they let me go.  Now I am alive by the grace of God.

When I was a little girl God always put good people around me to bless me.   Today He continues to bless me by putting special people in my life. Now I am part of the ministry ¨Casa Esperanza” with sister Cindy.  Thank God I am now studying to get my degree. I love God above all things. I love not only my physical family, but also my spiritual family.